When I've had a stressful day, sometimes all it takes to feel better is to peruse my bookshelves. Glancing at all those old friends is so reassuring. A friend once told me that he thinks I read too much. I'm not going to disagree.

The minute I finish one book, I have a new one in my hands. I've always been that way.

Sometimes I'm afraid I'll never have time to read all the books I want to. This has led to me adopting a new philosophy regarding book completion: I'll give a book 100 pages. If I am not absorbed in it by then, out it goes. I know this strikes some as heresy (my dear friend Hillary fervently commits to finishing every tome she opens) but to me, life is too short. One must read for joy. Would you date someone again and again if you knew you had no real interest in them? No. Books are like people; some you click with, some you don't. I'm searching for soulmates. How about you?