Usually we travel over Christmas. We overpack our suitcases, stop off briefly in frigid Michigan to see my family and pick up a rotovirus or two, then usually keep flying east until we land somewhere in equally chilly Europe. We can always count on at least one delayed flight, lost luggage somewhere along the way, and severe jet lag which ends the day before we return home. Fun.
This year, we decided to stay home. But everything was so relaxing and calm that I decided I didn't have enough chaos in my life. So I invited the neighborhood over for a night of holiday caroling. That day, Piero and Luca watched "Fred Claus" while I decorated the tree and followed their directives on where to hang the ornaments.
Five minutes after this photo was taken, their blood sugar soared through the chimney and all hell broke loose. I take full and total responsibility. Next year, I'll be stocking the table with low-glycemic foods like chickpeas, celery, bulgur and hummus.