Whenever I'm travelling, I find myself inexplicably drawn to taking photos of doorways and windows, be they man-made or God-given. I don't quite know what the pull is. They feel powerful and mysterious and Narnia-like.

(Gargunnock, Scotland)

(Macchu Picchu, Peru)
I almost believe that if I were to cross over the threshold, something magical would happen.

Perhaps what I see through my camera lens is a world full of possibilities. The other side symbolizes limitless potential and hope, a Future Yet to Come.
Where I am, on the shadowy interior, is rooted in the past. My body is motionless, trying to keep the camera still. My breath is shallow. My entire being is focussed not on where I am standing, but on where my gaze is looking.

(Angkor Wat, Cambodia)
In these moments, I feel elated by the possibilities in front of me. It's all out there, waiting.

(Gargunnock, Scotland)
Sometimes my gaze is fixed on something truly breathtaking.

(Agra, India)
Other times, it's the frame itself that equally inspires.

(Bruges, Belgium)

( Cuzco, Peru)
(Delhi, India)
I am a shadow seeker...
(Portrait of the blogger, Delhi, India)
...ever grateful to the two boys in my life who are always ready to take my hand and nudge me into the sunshine.

(Stirling, Scotland)