Friday Update:
Also wanted to mention that last week I was lucky enough to have a cup of tea with Pamela of the blog "From the House of Edward", who was enjoying a brief interlude in Los Angeles. It's always lovely to meet fellow bloggers in person and discover that they are just as fabulous as you thought they were. She is stylish and charming and the owner of the absolutely most FLAWLESS skin I've ever laid eyes on. And talk about a love of Scotland that rivals mine -- she and her husband have a possible retirement plan there!
Thursday Update:
Just spoke to Santy at the Santa Monica Museum of Art who kindly sent me some better photos of the two pieces I entered. Check their website in June for "Incognito Revealed": an unmasking of all the artists who participated and their works.

(For those of you who asked about size, both pieces are 8" by 10".)
* * * * *
Now that the INCOGNITO show is over and all the artists are finally able to acknowledge their work, I'm so happy to finally get a chance to show you what I've been up to lately, embroidery-wise.
Check it out below (or click HERE):
Note: Apologies for the semi-dark footage of my new embroidery pieces -- I shoot everything with my iPhone 4 because I love the moody edge it imparts, but getting sharp details has at times been difficult. Good things lie ahead, though: I am saving up for a Canon 5D Mark 2 digital camera with video capabilities that will take "The Domestic Explorer" webisodes to a whole new level of clarity -- so be patient a bit longer!