Yesterday morning I was presented with this gorgeous surprise via email.

It's my house and it was created for me by blogger/artiste extraordinaire Patricia Von Essche of PVE Design. (Check out her profile photo. It's Rembrandt meets Avedon.) To say I was beside myself grossly understates my reaction.
Readers, she has captured its very soul. As all of you know, every home has a distinct personality. Whether you live in an achingly hip loft in Manhattan, a mews house in London or an English Tudor in Ohio, all you have to do is look and listen and its nature will be revealed.
(As an example, my uncle Otto lives on the coast of Norway in a funny little peaked-roof cottage built centuries ago by a very short sea captain -- as evidenced by the forehead-bruising thresholds. Over the years, the floorboards have warped so that walking from room to room feels like a rough sea crossing. Coincidence? I think not.)
I've only lived in my house for a mere 18 months, but that's been more than enough to get to know its singular persona.
Here are the stats:
1. Undeniably female. Matronly.
2. Short and plump (she prefers the term "well-nourished").
3. Overly fond of candied marzipan, princess cake and Dubonnet (not in that order).
4. Keen bridge player.
5. Prone to splurging on peonies.
5. Treasures her privacy.
6. Enjoys light gossip, theosophy lectures and a good Easter parade.
I see all of this when I look at Patricia's artwork. I really do. Thank you, Patricia, for your shining talent and your generosity of spirit. I shall smile every time I gaze at it.
Now that you know about my dwelling, I should very much like to know about yours. Come on, don't be shy.