Be Still, My Heart

This week is a biggie.  Lots of projects to do, lots of people to see, lots of places to go.  I'm up before dawn and in bed way too late.  Just like everyone, right?

I need more mindfulness in my life.  I used to meditate and I can truly say that fifteen minutes in the morning would add a little calm to my day.  I need to get back to that.  Children meditate.  So do pets.  I know this for a fact because I walked around the corner the other day and saw this. 
I don't know how long Luca and Fellini had been lying there.  All I know is that they were at peace and I wanted a piece of it.

Sometimes in the constant effort to keep moving and achieving, we slow ourselves down, and in our efforts to stay focused, we become endlessly distracted.  So today I'm determined to embrace a bit of stillness.  Because of this, my post is going to be brief; in fact, you're almost at the end of it.  

Today I wish all of you a moment in which absolutely nothing happens, when you can be still and hear nothing but the beautiful beat of your own heart.