It's 24 hours until Thanksgiving.
Deep breath.
(Moving picture by LBG. Created using Cinemagram app.)
If you're opening up your home tomorrow to friends and family, the biggest gift you can give to others is to go easy on yourself.
It's okay if the glasses and plates and napkins don't match.
It's okay if you run out of cranberry sauce.
It's okay if the pumpkin pie crust doesn't turn that perfect shade of tawny gold that you wanted it to.
It's okay if you put on a DVD for the kids so the adults can have a conversation.
It's okay if that certain someone you see once a year can't ever be un-annoying.
It's okay if someone spills onto your best tablecloth (that's what dry cleaners are for).
It's even okay if the turkey burns (that's what take-out is for).
And if you're going to be a guest at someone else's house tomorrow, you're not off the hook either.
Leave all issues and land mines at the front door.
Be gracious.
Be appreciative.
The art of conversation is super simple. It's just like tennis. If someone lobs a ball over to you, hit it back (with more than just a "Yes" or "No", please).
You can get along with anyone for one meal. Be kind.
Don't forget to praise the food and the effort it took to get it on the table.
Leave all issues and land mines at the front door.
Be gracious.
Be appreciative.
The art of conversation is super simple. It's just like tennis. If someone lobs a ball over to you, hit it back (with more than just a "Yes" or "No", please).
You can get along with anyone for one meal. Be kind.
Don't forget to praise the food and the effort it took to get it on the table.
Here's to all of us.

(Moving picture by LBG. Created using Cinemagram app.)