How Do You See Your Life?

Do not underestimate the power of a rose-colored perspective. I bought these glasses back when I was a New Yorker and recently started wearing them again.

Below, a before-and-after story.

1. Before rose-colored glasses:

Piero: It's 7:30. Shouldn't you be waking Luca up for school?
Me: (dawning horror) Huh? Whuh? Whaaaa?!!!!

After rose-colored glasses:

Piero: It's 7:30. Shouldn't you be waking Luca up for school?
Me: (blissfully stretching) All in good time, my man. Sleep is doubly delicious when it's stolen.

2. Before rose-colored glasses:

Me: Traffic. Ugh.

After rose-colored glasses:

Me: Luca, my dearest, it's time to set out on our daily trek through the quaint old Woods of Holly. 
(Yes. It's real. Here.)

3. Before rose-colored glasses:

Me: Please coffee kick in kick in kick in kick in kick in. 

After rose-colored glasses:

Me: The best ideas come to those who wait. I shall now meditate on the fact that time is my friend, not my enemy. 

4. Before rose-colored glasses:

Me: I haven't gotten any emails in over five minutes. Wonder what everybody's doin'?

After rose-colored glasses:

Me: My writing time is sacred. Please leave a message after the beep. 

5. Before rose-colored glasses:

Me: I'm exhausted. That coffee did zilch for me.  Gather. Breathe. Focus. We're out of milk, eggs and white wine vinegar. Whoa--and why-- am I hungry? Gather. Breathe. Focus. Is that a police helicopter buzzing overhead? Do I have time to run to the grocery store before I pick Luca up from school?  Still need to mail those bills.  I want motorcycle boots. Ooh look a squirrel. GATHER BREATHE FOCUS!!

After rose-colored glasses:

Me: Every day in every way I am getting better and better. 
(The uber cool Daisy Garnett by Simon Brown. Here and here.)