Red (warmth), yellow (energy) and blue (strength).
Does seeing these colors together get your blood going like mine does?

(Luke Irwin rug, "Ikat 4." HERE.)
Here's Duncan Grant breakfasting in his dining room at Charleston House. Can't you see yourself sitting opposite him, your head filled with all sorts of brilliant ideas?

(Courtesy of Hibernian Homme.)
Yes, Eliza. I'm in. I will cook whatever you tell me to, even if it's your (gulp) Cornish eels in brown caper sauce or your shrimp toast รก la reine.

(Jacket design by Coralie Bickford-Smith. HERE.)
Hello, pretty mirror. I would imagine that everything reflected in you looks cheerful and lively, even a countenance that had a few too many Brandy Alexanders the night before.

(World of Interiors, March 2007.)
A friend of mine sent me this photo of these new Martin Margiela boots and I don't need to own them to dream about them. Aren't they so 21st century Mary Poppins?

(source unknown)
This is an oldie but a goodie: Drew Barrymore's Flower Films office as decorated by designer Ruthie Summers.

(via Domino Magazine.)
Tina Barney made this woman in red and blue the focus of her composition. The yellow items on the table complete the "warmth-energy-strength" triumvirate.

("Thanksgiving, 1992." Photograph by Tina Barney.)
Primary colors can work in a bedroom too. Peter Dunham adds a lavender sofa and Indian printed fabrics to create a haven of tranquility.

(via Domino magazine)
You'll never guess what this is -- the tunic of a Sherwood Forester from the 17th century. Is that not crazy? It's made of green and red facecloth trimmed with silver braid which has taken on a gold patina. Christopher Gibbs, bon vivant, antiques dealer and best friends with the Rolling Stones, sold it at a Christies auction a few years back.

(Details HERE.)
Last but not least, I was inspired to stitch a view of the room in my house that always lifts my spirits.

("Study for Living Room", 2011, by LBG. Thread, canvas, fine point Sharpies.)
What are your big three?