First things first.

The past seven days were a real doozy.
It all began last Sunday morning when I unexpectedly caught sight of myself in a mirror.

What in God's name was happening?
It felt as though in no more than a mere... corporeal shell had fallen victim to the inevitable passing of these.
Okay, maybe that was denial on my part.
An abundance of foodstuffs, an increase in sedentary pursuits like reading and needlework, and a stubborn case of exercise amnesia had led unquestionably to the fact that...

I had clearly reached...

What to do?
I did not want to become one of these.

I was not ready to succumb to this.
And I was not about to feel sorry for myself. No sirree.
Sure, like everyone else there was a time when I didn't have to worry about working out religiously.
But that was then.
And this was now.
Which left me with only one option.

I knew it would require bravery and endurance -- the likes of which made me slightly nervous to contemplate.
But my friends who took classes there were practically speechless about the results.
So I signed up.
* * * * *
After bootcamp last Monday (Arms and Abs), I was wiped out. There was a 30 minute treadmill portion -- where we climbed hills and did sprints -- that nearly killed me. That evening, movement was nigh impossible. I may have passed out with the lights on.
After bootcamp last Tuesday (Butt and Legs), it took every ounce of strength I had to keep my eyes open past 6pm. I felt a horrible pang of guilt about neglecting the blog, but it couldn't be helped. My body was in shutdown mode.

After bootcamp last Wednesday (Chest and Abs), something amazing happened. As I was lifting my right arm, I caught a glimpse of something moving beneath my bicep (this could be subject to interpretation). It flickered and was gone, like a shooting star, but I'm pretty sure saw it.
After bootcamp last Thursday (Back and Shoulders), I managed to stay awake until almost -- gasp! -- 9:15pm. I was even starting to feel a flicker of fondness for the treadmill.
After bootcamp last Friday (Full Body), I looked like a wet dish rag, but I felt as though maybe just maybe the worst was over. I felt sore but stronger. Weary but proud. That night, I fell asleep dreaming of reacquainting myself with myself.
Today is the start of a new week and a new attitude.
Thanks for hanging in there. A fitter me makes for a fitter blog.