Today feels like my birthday, July 4th and New Year's Eve, all rolled into one.
Because at exactly 9am this morning, 4th grade began.

(Between you and me, the kid is still in shock. "But it's August," he kept saying in the car.)
And how do I feel?
Oh, you know.
There were a couple moments of "Wow, wasn't he just in kindergarten...?" and "They grow up so fast..." Sniffly-sniff.

(First edition, Mercantile Library Collection, Cincinnati. May 2011.)
But that quickly gave way to exhilaration.

(Backstage at the Go Go's. 8/17/11, Hollywood.)
And the desire to throw one of these.

(My bookshelf, 2011.)
I have so many plans for Fall 2011, you see.
(I had them for Summer 2011 too, but I'm not quite sure what happened. Oh yeah. I forgot.)
Strange arcane esoteric things, like:
1. Exercising.
(Visualizing your way to a better body does not work. I have tried.)
2. Eating right.
(This will involve moving my favorite new cookbooks (HERE, HERE and HERE) from the night table by my bed down to the know, so I can actually cook from them.)
3. Regaining control of the closets in my house.
(They're starting to look like a horror scene from a Guillermo del Toro movie.)

(Did you ever see the original? It still haunts me.)
4. Turning -- even just a few -- of the theoretical projects in my head into reality.
(See below.)
My scarf idea for Winter 2010...

...sadly, still theoretical.

Also still theoretical.

5. And a million other mundane things that I couldn't possibly bore you with here.
Blah-bitty blah blah.)
In an effort to harness the power within and jumpstart my way to a more empowered 4G version of myself, I'm attending the premiere of this movie tomorrow night (because when I practice yoga, I really do become my best self).

(Information HERE.)
Quick now.
What are your top goals for fall?
Should we pledge to accomplishing them together?
I'm in if you are.
(Me in India, 2007.)