1. What if The Selby met The Sartorialist?
Artist/photographer Jeana Sohn goes into the homes of some of LA's most creatively dressed women to show you exactly where the magic happens. The "Closet Visit" section of her eponymous blog (look on her sidebar) gives you a lush, revealing glimpse into the personal collections that define each woman's finely honed sense of style. It's fascinating to see them in their personal spaces wearing some of their favorite finds -- they all have a sexy confidence that comes from knowing exactly who they are and what they love to wear. And the colors and textures and patterns...oh my! I could go on, but here's the bottom line: It's gotten to the point where I wait impatiently for each weekly "Closet Visit." I think you will too.

(Simone LeBlanc)

(Deborah Kaplan)

2. What if the world of travel met "The World of Interiors"?
Travel editor Meghan McEwan is perpetually planning her next trip and we are all the luckier for it. Her new blog Designtripper sprang to life because in her words, "Having spent an exorbitant amount of time researching interesting, independent places to stay, it seemed like a terrible waste not to share the findings."
Designtripper is Meghan's mouthwatering compendium of places to stay around the globe that fulfill her stringent credo of being authentic, thoughtfully designed and rich in character. From a refurbished village schoolhouse in Belgium to the Scottish lodge where Orwell wrote "1984" or to a houseboat in India, you'll be overwhelmed by the far flung splendor of her discoveries. I want to stay at every place she writes about (actually, I did stay at one -- she profiled my recent stay in Scotland here.)
More Meghan: "People who are passionate about travel tend to have open minds and really good stories. And generally speaking, people are nicer when they're on vacation. I'd like to inspire people to be nicer."
Isn't that a lovely ideology?

3. What if the immaculate love child of Karl Lagerfeld and Tony Duquette met a Goth-Baroque time traveller?
I'm at a loss for adjectives here. If you have ever clicked on Lauren Tennenbaum's brilliant blog Indecorous Taste, you'll know exactly what I mean. If you haven't, well, I'll attempt a description.
Lauren is a pale medieval beauty with the willowy proportions of a Boldini muse. At her seemingly tender age, she is not only an avant-garde shoe and accessories designer (a crystal spine harness, anyone?) but also a decorative painter, interiors stylist and all-around one-woman show. From what I can glimpse from her lushly opulent photos, she lives in some sort of baroque dream palace where she unswervingly devotes herself to pursuing her unique brand of eccentric glamour and living out her "latent Imperialist fantasies." I am admiringly - and heartstoppingly - agog.