It wouldn't have to be grand, my little sanctuary.
It could be a wee shed tucked behind the house at the bottom of the garden, like Roald Dahl's was.

(Roald Dahl's writing shed, via the Guardian)
Yes, I know it's barely wider than a sofa, but its diminutive nature appeals to me because there would be no room for distractions. Give me a worn armchair with plumped cushions, a stack of books, a wooden lap board for my computer and an old wireless tuned to Radio 4 and leave me be. I could travel to the other side of the world during the day and still make the 3pm school run.
What I Would Read:
Trains and Buttered Toast, John Betjeman
"The Sound Machine" , Roald Dahl
My Family and Other Animals, Gerald Durrell
What I Would Drink:
PG Tips Classic Blend
What I Would Listen To:
BBC Radio Theme, "Housewives' Choice", Jack Strachey
* * *
And look at this little round house. It's straight out of J.R.R. Tolkien, don't you think?

In my fantasy, I have taken it on a six month sublet from Bilbo Baggins while he's off on his journey to return the Ring. In the novel, the house has "paneled walls, tiled and carpeted floors, polished chairs, and lots and lots of pegs for hats and coats" -- and I'm sure this one does, too. I can see myself here dividing my time between reading, writing and lots of productive puttering (tea-making, scone-baking and gardening, for instance).
What I Would Read:
I Capture the Castle, Dodie Smith
One Pair of Hands, Monica Dickens
The Bucolic Plague, Josh Kilmer-Purcell
What I Would Drink:
Homemade elderflower cordial
What I Would Listen To:
"The Old Walking Song", Charles McCreery
* * *
Last year, I wrote about my deep love for gypsy caravans...and the passing of time has not cooled my ardor.

(via tumblr)
The caravan above isn't on wheels but mine would be because the idea that I could pack up at any moment and head off on some romantic, restless, come-what-may adventure totally appeals to me in theory. I would toss big kilim pillows on the floor and hang billowing curtains in the doorway. Letting my hair grow and donning peasant blouses and long ethnic skirts goes without saying. I would be Talitha Getty on the outside and Bruce Chatwin on the inside.
What I Would Read:
Justine (The Alexandria Quartet), Lawrence Durrell
Beware of Pity, Stefan Zweig
City of Djinns, William Dalrymple
What I Would Drink:
Créme Yvette liqueur
What I Would Listen To:
"Once Upon A Time In America" by Ennio Morricone
Editor's Update: A prior commitment prevented me from making the Nathan Turner lecture on Sunday. Did you go?