This is one of those brilliant ideas that looks so absolutely right that you wonder why no one ever thought of it until now.

(All photos via here)
Guerilla gardener Anna Garforth emblazons walls with mossy graffiti in her quest to meld intrigue into the transitory landscape of urban spaces.

My work needs to make an immediate impact given its ephemeral nature. There is a lot of wild in the city. My eye has become attuned to the plant life that pushes and grows its way through all the cracks in the concrete. Once you have noticed it, it's everywhere....
~Anna Garforth
Garforth uses nourishing ingredients to affix the moss to surfaces. "I collect a common moss that grows well on brick walls and glue it to the wall using a mixture of natural (bio active) yoghurt and sugar."

I've spent the last year watching my ivy delightedly clamber over my own brick wall and now I want to pull it all off in favor of an inspiring quote. There's something so elementally profound about it, don't you think?

It's Arcadian poetry transported to the urban jungle.

Listen to the way Anna describes herself on her website...I think you'll agree she lives with passion and purpose:
I am the crazed woman with mud on her face, bristling with moss and screaming against the wind on a bike laden down with foraged materials.
And now for the question of the day: Given the chance to emblazon your own wall, what quote would you put up?
My personal top three picks would be:
Gather ye rosebuds while ye may.
(Robert Herrick)
There is strong shadow where there is much light.
Thus, though we cannot make our sun
Stand still, yet we will make him run.
(Andrew Marvell)
Editors Note: I'm off to Kauai for a brief spell. Back soon. Be good.