I am waiting for my breakfast and then to be driven to adventure camp...

...and I am waiting to be let outside so I can go lizard-hunting and bring back a trophy tail...
...and I am waiting to have my flowers gently collected and dried and made into lavender sachets (as you keep promising to do)...

...and I am waiting to be recovered in something fabulous and slightly unexpected...

...and I am waiting to be used in a way that enhances my flavor profile...
...and I am waiting to be devoured...
...oh and please please so are we...

...and I am waiting to be rehung so that I can gaze upon a more scenic vista...
...and I am waiting to be listened to...remember how happy I make you?
(Charlotte Gainsbourg CD, available HERE)
...and I am waiting patiently to support your future endeavors...

...and I am waiting to be noticed, right now, right this minute, in my very last explosion of beauty (when I'm gone, remember that I lived fully and fearlessly, won't you?)...
...and I am waiting to be tucked in because I have camp tomorrow.
What is waiting for you today?