About a month ago, I bought a brass ship's hourglass from one of my new favorite online shops, One Kings Lane.

I've become quite addicted to their hugely discounted designer homewares over the past few months; last week, I bought a beautiful gift box of Claus Porto soaps for just $19.
Anyway, back to that hourglass. I bought it because I had a sudden revelation on where it absolutely needed to hang in my house.

It's a thirty minute timer, which is exactly the length of one episode of "Phineas and Ferb", "Johnny Test" and the regrettably-named "Kick Buttowski." I'm not wholly parsimonious with my son watching television, but I'm hoping that having those sands of time slipping, slipping away right in front of him will make him consider what else he could be doing. Plus, I just like the way it looks up there, its delicate structure offering a gentle counterpoint to that black thing anchored to the wall (living with two males, I have reluctantly come to accept that sports and cartoons are considered as essential to life as air and water.)
In other news...
My friend Andrea over at C Magazine emailed me that One Kings Lane is holding their first Tastemaker Tag Sale this Saturday, April 10th, and seriously, the only break I'm taking from sewing this weekend is to be online when the sale begins. I was fortunate enough to meet the dashing Nathan Turner...

(Nathan Turner; photo courtesy of All The Best)
...during a party in Almont Yard recently and he told me that the chair I've had my eye on for about two years now...

(Flores chair designed by Nathan Turner)
..is going to be in the sale at a crazy reduced price. Be still, my heart.
Andrea also sent me a photo of this pair of Foo dogs which will be on sale for $109...

...and this incredible hand-painted lantern ($599) that would grace my entry foyer so nicely.

All the items were handpicked by Nathan, which is kind of cool, I think. If any of you buy anything, you'll let me know, won't you?