Woke up freezing. For some reason, my usual penchant for cold temperatures had deserted me. I felt like a serf in a straw hut during an ice storm.Needed hot liquids. Fast. Decided to make chai from scratch, but in my morning fog, couldn't remember how much masala powder I used the last time I made it.
Realized the Little Prince was upstairs fast asleep and that for all intents and purposes, Piero and I were alone.
Was immediately disabused of any notions of misbehavior by a thunderous footfall upon the stairs.
Fed the feline who exhibited his familiar ravenousness and appreciation.
Fed the offspring who exhibited his familiar disdain for anything nutritious.
Ended up greatly enriching our trash disposal with vitamins and minerals.
Contemplated going for a hike in the Hollywood Hills to keep the ol' physique in fighting trim and then decided against it.
With the prospect of exercise out of the way, noticed an immediate rise in spirits.
Buoyed myself with the thought that I was never going to be a contestant on "America's Next Top Model" anyway.
Was prevented from dwelling on this sad realization by a surprise knock on the door. Spent the next hour in high spirits.
Was interrupted by complaints of boredom from my son. Optimistically suggested he put together one of the countless puzzles in his room.
Was assaulted by the high-pitched whine, "Why can't I have a Wiiiiiiiiii?" Told him to go "Wii Wii Wii" all the way up to his room.

Was about to despair when in a sudden swoop of kindness, The Divine Italian provided salvation in the form of one tub of hot bubbling water and two bathing suits.
Was left free to rummage through my wardrobe in preparation for the party this evening.
Wondered what everyone else would be wearing.
Reminded myself that I was free to dress however I chose, whether it be kaftan, kurta or corset.
Heard Piero and Luca singing "Feliz Navidad" from the pool and realized I needed to start thinking about where I last saw our passports.