You know how sometimes it's just not your day? Well, today was definitely not mine.

I spilled espresso on my favorite skirt this morning, went to return something at a shop and got my car towed, took a taxi to Godknowswhere and paid an exorbitant price to regain custody of it, dashed back across town to pick up my son after school only to find out that my carpool parent had mistakenly already done so, then took Luca to the supermarket where he promptly wandered away, leading the store manager to issue an alert, only to discover him in the cereal aisle staring dumbstruck at the supersized box of Cocoa Pebbles.
When we finally arrived home at 6pm, I promptly locked all the doors and battened down the hatches to make sure I couldn't possibly get in any more trouble for one day.
My heart was racing.
But then I looked outside and saw the bougainvillea...
...and the gnome waiting patiently for a swim...
...and Percy the sheep...
...and Twiglet...
...and Fellini...
...and -- I cannot lie -- the Campari...
...and I began to relax. I think I needed a day like this one to remind myself to appreciate all the others. Believe me, if I wake up tomorrow and manage to get out of bed in one piece, I will consider it a success already.
(Although as The Divine Italian once said, "You know you're not in your twenties anymore when you can actually hurt yourself sleeping.")
Be careful out there.